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Lakes Festival Oct 2018

Its official! Cam Kennedy will be at the Lakes Festival in Kendal in October. Let us know if you'd like Cam to bring any specific pages of his original art. 

From the website: 

In the CCT XTRA there will be a room dedicated to bonnie old Scotland and the bothy of creators, established and new, who have made such an impact on the world of comics. 

These include our oldest guest Ian Kennedy, Cam Kennedy, John Ferguson, Monty Nero, Gary Erskine, Deborah Tate, Robbie Morrison and Frank Quitely plus our youngest guest Drew Marr. We’ll also have a Scottish-themed food concession and some terribly clichéd activity – sadly no bagpipes but at least one well known guest will be wearing a kilt! THE SCOTTISH COMICS BOTHY WILL BE IN THE CCT XTRA SPACE LOCATED IN THE SHAKESPEARE CENTRE JUST A FEW MINUTES WALK FROM THE MAIN COMICS CLOCK TOWER AT KENDAL TOWN HALL 

FLYING HIGH – MEET THE KENNEDYS SATURDAY, OCTOBER 13, 2018 - 10:15 Ian Kennedy and Cam Kennedy are two of the longest ‘serving’ comic artists in the world. LIVE DRAW SATURDAY, 13 OCTOBER, 10.15AM – 11.15AM BREWERY ARTS CENTRE, SCREEN ONE They were both major forces during ‘The Golden Times’, of the 60s, 70s and 80s, with work appearing in a wide variety of publications – Knockout, Air Ace, Battle, Hotspur, Wizard, Warlord, Football Judy, Bunty, Blake’s 7, M.A.S.K., 2000 AD, Judge Dredd, Dan Dare, Commando, Batman, Agent of Shield, to name but a few! This is a unique opportunity to see Ian and Cam draw live and discuss their incredible careers with John Freeman.

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