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VCs Original Art pages

Here's a few original art pages still available from this early VCs run. Please head over to the VCs page & look on the pages list to see current availability & pricing.

Cam Kennedy has had the pleasure of working on some great strips for 2000AD, and indeed having a defining presence on many of them. One of Cam's first jobs for 2000AD was The VCs, a futuristic war story written by Gerry Finley-Day. The expressive brush work utilised in this strip show the energy underpinning Cam's work in it's most unrefined form.

The V.C.s was a future war series that appeared in the science fiction comic 2000 AD No. 140 – 178 (1979–1980). Written by Gerry Finley-Day, the first episode was drawn by Mike McMahon but the main series artists were Cam Kennedy, Garry Leach and John Richardson.

The strip is set in the year 2531. The Solar System is engaged in a war of survival against an alien species known as "Geeks". Steve Smith, a raw recruit, has just completed his training and signed on with the Global Combat Corps as a star-trooper, but is quickly thrown in at the deep end: he is assigned to the hard-bitten crew of a space patrol ship crewed by the "Vacuum Cleaners" or V.C.s for short; so called because of their penchant for clean kills, with little to no debris. The twist is that Smith is the only Earth-born crew member: the rest of the crew are all from colonies on the other planets of the solar system, often being physically adapted to alien environments, and having little love for 'Ma Earth'. A major theme of this series is the antagonism between the crew (often racially motivated), particularly towards the "earthworm" Smith; and Smith's struggle for acceptance by the crew. Like many war stories, there is a high mortality rate amongst the main characters.

Below are the remaining pages that Cam has available. They mostly measure Approx 33cm x 41.5cm and are on thick stock paper/ art board. In some cases the speech bubbles were updated for a reprint edition where they had discoloured and display as a more vibrant white.

vcs 146 p2

vcs 146 p3

vcs 147 p3
vcs 147 p3

vcs 150 p2

151 1
151 2

151 3

151 4

153 3

156 3

156 4

157 1

157 2

158 2

158 3

160 3
160 4

164 2

164 3

164 5

169 p1

169 p2

169 p3

169 p5

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